❤️ How to get a girlfriend – A Feminist Chauvinist's opinion on women, love and romance💞

❤️ How to get a girlfriend – A Feminist Chauvinist's opinion on women, love and romance💞

6Hs227Last year’s Christmas gift: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CojMme7jr3o&t=494s
LOOKSMAXXING for males: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sXkXeKAxIM&t=959s
NoFap & male hypersexualization: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPSRlANKpDw&t=6287s

2:20 Not your run-of-the-milf Pick Up Artist advice
7:52 My dating history & goals as a man
15:00 Nature is sexist and so am I
26:03 Introspect: Why do you want one?
28:35 Lust?
34:48 Loneliness?
42:10 Why “games” don’t work
46:15 The importance of identity for dating
53:00 Hookup culture and its ravages
1:02:39 Where to find a GF?
1:12:28 Be upfront with your intentions
1:22:20 Don’t be pathetic, be a threat
1:30:35 Female evolutionary preferences
1:40:25 Women’s libido and consent
1:51:30 On masculinity & femininity
1:59:38 The feminine sea vs the masculine mountain
2:07:55 Boundaries, or how to canalize marine energy
2:14:10 A mountain just has to stand
2:24:00 Oppose movement with resistance
2:34:37 Men and women; Friend and Foe
2:45:40 To embrace masculinity, don’t reject femininity
2:52:00 Women as the Guardians of Evolution
3:01:10 Love and respect are synonymous in a girl’s brain
3:06:50 Reward her esteem with attention
3:16:50 The difference between being a male and being a man
3:23:15 Resisting your biological demon
3:32:38 Come together with yourself
3:39:52 Promiscuity, the Great Divorce
3:47:23 Marriage as cultural crystallization

Need To Improve Your Leadership Skills? Try These Tips!

Leaders are always striving to improve not only themselves but also the lives of others. Every person is going to be a different kind of leader, and you can learn what you’re able to do by getting into learning about leadership. The tips below will help get you out there so you can see what you can do as a leader.

Live the vision of your team. Use your mission to guide the firm and incorporate a sense of values into all you do. Make sure every employee realizes how important they are in helping the company reach its goals. You want to make sure all members of your team are pulling in the same direction.

Good leaders bring out lots of creativity in their employees. Creative thinking can help expand your company. Try new things and stay curious. Remain open to new ideas, even those that do not appear feasible at the moment. This allows you to incorporate others’ ideas into the overall plan.

Good leaders must focus on what is to come. You have to know what it takes to see the future so you can figure out how to plan for what’s coming up. While you can’t make predictions, you can build up the skills for it. Always think about where you’d like to be at various intervals in the future and take the steps needed to get there.

Identifying talents in other individuals is essential to strong leadership. When you look for assistance, it needs to be easy for you to pick who would benefit you most. That applies both to contracting people and hiring them.

Don’t lose your moral compass. Be sure to will be comfortable with the decisions you make. If you’re going to feel bad or upset about a decision, don’t make it. Even if others would make the decision anyway, you have to do what feels right to you.

Be open about any issues that arise in a timely manner. Hiding business issues used to the normal thing to do, but many good leaders do just the opposite. Are you wondering why this is? Communication is prized nowadays. The news will likely leak out somehow anyway. You need to be in control of the message you communicate instead of simply reacting to it. Great leaders make sure to do this.

If you want to be a great leader, you ought never to dismiss your own morals to be competitive. If you see the competition doing things that you’re not comfortable with, figure out an alternative so you can stay competitive. You do not have to copy to remain in the game. If you find something else to compete with, you are going to feel much better about what you choose.

Make sure people are motivated to perform well. While a regular salary is great, incentives will really improve a person’s work. For example if an employee does more than is required, a simple token gift is an effective means to encourage other team players. A good leader isn’t cheap.

Always set goals for everyone in your company. All people need to work towards something, and leaders can provide annual goals to each employee. Never let your goals fall by the wayside. Have monthly meetings to see what the status is on your goals, and hold your employees accountable for getting things accomplished.

Setting the bar high is important in business, but don’t expect the impossible. All this will do is set your team up for failure. That will in fact prove you aren’t a good leader.

Listening is more important than talking. Being a great leader starts with listening to what your team has to say. Really hear your employees when they speak. Listen to what they’re griping about and praising the company for. Listen to their opinions about both the buyers and the products. You may be surprised at the amount of things you learn from just listening to others.

Effective and clear communication with employees is an important skill of every leader. Ensure that the team is aware of all the pertinent information required to successfully complete their work, and don’t forget to make them aware of the deadline. Check in on your team to make sure things are going smoothly.

When you interact with those around you, it is important to always be sincere and confident. Keep in mind that there is a fine line between confidence and arrogance. There is no trust generated through arrogance. Sincerity gleans trust and confidence from those who work under you. On the other hand, insincerity will destroy the edifice of leadership, so be certain to be honest and sincere.

Developing leadership skills is sure to pay dividends both in the professional and personal realms. Everyone needs to be a leader at some point, so you must know where to get the skills from. Absorb this information and put it to use.

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